Sabang Sajanikanta Mahavidyalaya
Self Declared Document

Name Dr. Suman Mandal
Designation Assistant Professor
Employee Code
Department Name Physics
Office Phone No
Email ID [email protected]
Mobile No
Personal Website
Address Balichak, West Bengal
Language Known Bengali, English, Hindi
Educational Qualification
Degree NameInstituteYear of passing/awarded
M.Sc. Visva-Bharati 2004
Post M.Sc. Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics 2005
Ph.D. University of Calcutta 2012

Career Profile / Teaching Experience
DST INSPIRE Faculty, Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. 2013-2018
Assistant Professor, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore. 2018-2020

UGC-HRDC Programme Attended
Field of SpecializationResearch Area

Specialization/Research Area
Field of SpecializationResearch Area/ Areas of Interest
Material Science and Condensed Matter Physics
Structure-properties correlation of materials, Magnetism and Dielectric properties, Photovoltaic materials, Spectroscopy and DFT calculations

Course/ Subject Taught
Modern Physics (UG), Solid State Physics (PG), Statistical Mechanics (PG), Quantum Mechanics (UG), Mechanics (UG), Nonconventional energy resources (PG), Material Science (PG)

Conference/ Symposium /Journal Paper / Books Published
International Publication
TitleAuthorPublished inYearPublished by

National Publication
TitleAuthorPublished inYearPublished by

Other Publication
TitleAuthorPublished inYearPublished by

Books(Ed) Published
Title of the BookAuthorPublished inYearPublished by

Books Published
Title of the BookAuthorPublished inYearPublished by

Research Guidence
Ongoing / Submitted
Scholar NameThesis TitleCo SupervisorUniversityCategoryStatusComplete in Year
Scholar NameThesis TitleCo SupervisorUniversityCategoryStatusComplete in Year

Research Colaboration
PersonalsField of ResearchDesignation and Full Address

Research Project Investigated
Name of ProjectSanctioned AmountDurationSponsoring Agencies
INSPIRE Faculty Project Rs. 35 Lakhs 2013-2018

Invited Lectures 
TitleOrganized byVenueYear

Membership of Learned Society 

Association with Professional Bodies
Type of Professional ActivityPeriod

Conference /Seminar/Workshop Attended/Organised

Conference /Seminar/Workshop Attended

Title of the Seminar/Conference/WorkshopYearRoleHeld at and Organiser

Conference /Seminar/Workshop Organised

Title of the Conference/Seminar/WorkshopYearRole in the EventFunding Agency

Awards/ Scholarship/ Fellowship
Award NameAwarded ByYear
Responsibilities in Excess of UGC Norms by Special Programme
Title of the CourseDurationSessionRecognizing AuthorityAffiliating AuthorityDegree other than UGC
Technique Known
    Synchrotron radiation based spectroscopy and scattering techniques, Microscopic techniques: LEEM and PEEM, Density functional theory.
Software Known
    Familiar in using and maintenance of WINDOWS and UNIX based OS, Basic Networking, Familiar with various programing languages including FORTRAN, C, C++, Mathematica and data analysis software such as Origin, Igor pro, FullProf program suite for XRD st
Special Area of Interest
Thrust Area of Research
    Material Science and Condensed Matter Physics, DFT calculations.